Thursday, January 8, 2009

Who does Jordan look like?

Anton Chigurh             Jordan Pho   

Ishmael Boorg             Jordan Pho   

Jerry                     Jordan Pho

Survey Results -

Leave a comment if you vote!


Anonymous said...

He looks like all of them!

Unknown said...

He looks like Jerry.. I ain't comparing my nephew to those ugly foos!!

pheak-pheak said...

yeah, he used to look like Heathcliff when he had short hair.

Coal said...

That's so mean.

sochan said...

LOL....I don't know who those guys are but my son is way to cute to compare to them. He even looks better than Jerry!! ;-)

pheak-pheak said...

Anton is the serial killer in No Country for Old Men, and Ishmael is the Amish bowler from KingPin. He has the same hair as both men, but his body and movement is like jerry. HAHHAHA!!

sochan said...

poor guys are mean comparing him to a serial killer actor. When I tell Jordan that e-pheak and ku-giles think that he looks like bad guy character, I don't think he wants to sing to you anymore!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bong Chan...he's cuter than anyone of them listed. So I didn't vote. lol

sochan said...

Jordan said...
"I look like Jerry" and of course we have to vote twice so that Jerry will have the hihgest percentage!! hehe

Unknown said...

Anton's hair looks like Jordan except different color. they doing the same thing in the picture.

Kay said...

hahaha, i love it!! they are so cute

Anonymous said...

How did Anton beat Jerry?!!!

Out of the three Jordan would only look like Jerry because both are cute and adorable :)

pheak-pheak said...

when I saw jordan this time..the 1st thing I noticed was his hairstyle. that is why anton has the highest vote. Sorry for all of you who voted jerry. yeah, he is cuter than all..but he still resembles them.

Unknown said...
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sochan said...

LOL....Bradan,the 10 month-old baby help vote for Jerrry and jerry still lose. Sorry Jordan!!